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We Are All About Berners

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Our Mission is to protect and support the Bernese Mountain Dog by providing a place for those who love the breed to make tax-deductible contributions or to find financial support dedicated to these purposes. We are committed to raising and dispersing funds to promote the health and well-being of every Berner by supporting health research, rescue and education for and about the purebred Bernese Mountain Dog.

What We Are Fighting For


A longer-lived, healthier breed by supporting the research it takes to understand and eradicate the diseases that take them from us too soon


A better quality of life for Berners by supporting the means to rescue, heal, rehabilitate and re-home dogs in ill-fated circumstances


A better understanding of the breed, its qualities, its needs and its rewards by BMD owners and the public through funding the provision of educational initiatives and resources

What We Can Do

The Bernese Mountain Dog Charitable Foundation provides a single organization through which tax-deductible donations can be made to support a variety of BMD interests. Your donation allows us to fulfill requests from the BMD community for financial support of a multitude of BMD-related needs. We give you complete control over where your donation is used. A single donation can be allocated to one or more purposes ranging from where it is most helpful in our programs to assisting a qualifying Berner-related 501(c)(3) of your choice.


The Bernese Mountain Dog Charitable Foundation was the long time idea of Fara Bushnell. Her intention was to create a philanthropic organization that would serve the greater Bernese Mountain Dog community while allowing the organization's benefactors the advantage of having their patronage be tax-deductible. Her desire was to be able to finance a diversity of matters concerning BMDs from within a single organization. She gathered a strong group of like-minded Berner enthusiasts to form the first Board of Directors and incorporated the Charitable Foundation in 2014. In 2015 the Corporation was granted the status of a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.


Today the Bernese Mountain Dog Charitable Foundation is gaining momentum in its activities in accordance with the original intentions set forth in its Bylaws; supporting health research, rescue, education and the community as it relates to the purebred Bernese Mountain Dog. It is also providing a means for the Bernese Mountain Dog fancy to assist in a variety of ways from participating in fundraising events to including the Charitable Foundation in their estate planning. It is doing so in an environment of total transparency and in cooperation with other Bernese Mountain Dog-dedicated organizations.

2023 Board of Directors


Click on name to see bio.

2023 Volunteers


Carol Ganz (Angel Pins)

Renee Jaquier (Angel Pins)

Annie McDannold (Social Media)

Noelle Zumoff (Angel Pins)

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